Some important parts of most non-personal web sites.

One of the most pertinent parts of a web site is the about page. Why is the about page so crucial in looking up information on a website? The Whois and the about page are the most relevant components of any web site. These are the reasons It tells the reader what the site is about. What person or people who are behind the web site. It can let the viewer know what it uses for its sources and its resources This to yours truly is extremely important in a business site. I strongly recommend in a business oportunity who is behind the site. You should look up him or her to see if there is any information of any scam repots. Plus the about page tells you what the site emphasi and their reasons. One part of some about page is the site’s mission statement This tells you what the website believes and what their policies are.

A part of most sites, especially commercial ones is the privacy policy. this tells you, the visitor how information about the reader is collected. It tells too what their cookie policy is too. A cookie stores info about you. This is esepcially relevant in a commercial site. A cookie lets advertisers know your likes and dislikes so that they can gear ads toward your tastes. The FAQs tells anyone who wants more information on the site the basic questions and answers. FAQ is short for frequently asked questions. The terms of service part or post lets you know what is permitted and what is not. Many times terms of services is shortened to TOS. It lets you know what type of sites that are acceptable.

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